Great Big Green Week 18th - 26th September - the NFPGS response
The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces is backing and publicising the Great Big Green Week, 18-26th September, alongside a wide range of national organisations, representing millions of people throughout the UK. Everyone is invited to join:
In the run up to COP26 in November, and in solidarity with many green space and climate activists involved in various environmental causes in their area, we bring you this special newsletter.
In this update we want to explore a few of the many issues and challenges facing UK parks in relation to the climate and biodiversity crisis. We hope this information will be helpful for campaigning and project ideas in your areas, engaging with parks users, communities and with decision-makers, eg. MPs and councils.
Where possible we’ve included links to further information and case studies, shown as references listed at the end of the email. This list might not be exhaustive – much within the climate and biodiversity crisis are linked to various agendas, these are complex issues and should be tackled locally with good engagement. There are lots more great resources available.
There is strong evidence that parks, green and blue spaces will be essential in mitigating extreme weather and also play a part in the journey towards zero carbon. The NFPGS continue to call for proper protection and investment in our parks, green and blue spaces. It’s needed now more than ever.