Terms & Conditions
3. Membership
Individual Membership is open to ALL practitioners working within the parks and open spaces sector.
Membership is also open to all individuals in non-profit-distributing organisations (NPDO’s), delivering a range of services and influencing the development of parks and open spaces.
Individual Membership can be extended to sole traders within the commercial sector who make a significant contribution to the sector.
Corporate Membership is available for Local Authorities and organisations as defined in b) above with more than one eligible member or organisations where it would be difficult to identify one individual with overall and specific cross-cultural and parks responsibility.
Membership is also open to companies and members of the commercial or private sector making significant contribution to parks and open spaces. Applications from all such organisations will need to be agreed by the Executive Board.
Complimentary Membership is offered to ‘strategic partners’, such as DCMS, DEFRA, MHCLG, LGA, NDPBs etc.
Honorary Membership is awarded to people from the sector, usually former full members, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the sector. This will be complimentary and will be decided by the Executive Board.
In each case, the key criteria for full membership will comprise a critical test of eligibility, with the consensus that anyone can apply.
The Parks Management Association is currently an organisation that specifically covers England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Membership, though, is open to eligible applicants from other countries, who meet the Membership key criteria.
3.1 Individual Membership
Individual members should:
- be employed directly within local government, or for a Non-Profit Distributing Organisations, outsourced contractors / partners, delivering environmental, cultural and leisure services directly on behalf of local government, the wider public sector and trusts;
- have experience of working at any level in parks and open spaces services; and
work across a range of environmental, cultural and leisure sectors.
Individual members are entitled to all of the benefits of the Association with full voting rights.
Individual members from within local government and associated NPDO’s have the right to stand for election to the Executive Board.
Individual Membership is available to:
4.1.1 All individuals working directly in the local government environment for parks and open spaces or NPDO equivalents with a range of disciplines related to the parks and open spaces sector.
4.1.2 Sole traders within the commercial or private sector who make a significant contribution to the sector.
4.1.3 Retired members, who are no longer actively working in any capacity, are eligible for a reduced subscription.
3.2 Complimentary Membership
Complimentary Membership is available at the sole discretion of the Chair in consultation with the Executive Board. There are two sub-categories:
3.2.1 Honorary
Honorary Membership can be awarded to individuals who are making or who have made a significant contribution to the development of parks and open spaces nationally and/or internationally.
Examples are former full members who have left the sector through promotion and retirement to e.g. Council CEO etc. The Executive Board has the power to nominate Honorary Members. Such nominations are subject to endorsement by a General Meeting of the Association.
The PMA Board will seek nominations from the membership and make 2 awards each year. The nominations will be reviewed and Honorary awards agreed by the Chair and Vice Chairs for confirmation at the AGM.
3.2.2 Complimentary Associates
Strategic Partners, typically from strategic partner organisations such as Local Government Group, DCMS, NDPBs, etc., will be allowed two complimentary memberships each; they will not have voting rights and will not be eligible for election to the executive Board.
3.3 Corporate Categories
Corporate Membership is available to eligible organisations on an organisational rather than individual basis, for access to services by individuals who work within the local government environment but where it would be difficult to identify one individual with overall and specific cross-cultural and leisure responsibility.
Corporate Membership is also available for eligible organisations where more than one individual within the organisation is eligible for membership.
Corporate Membership is available to organisations on an organisational, rather than individual basis, as follows:
3.3.1 Public / Statutory Sector Organisations
For access to services by public / statutory sector organisations, working at any level equivalent to the Full Membership categories of membership, and working directly with local government on the enhancement of parks services. Organisations eligible under this category will have been judged to meet the membership key criteria on an organisational rather than individual basis.
3.3.2 Voluntary Sector Organisations
For access to services by voluntary sector organisations, working at a any level equivalent to the Full Membership categories of membership, and working directly with local government on the enhancement of parks and open spaces. Organisations eligible under this category will have been judged to meet the membership key criteria on an organisational rather than individual basis.
3.3.3 Education Sector
For access to services by individuals from educational sector organisations, working at a senior, strategic level equivalent to the Full Membership categories of membership, and working directly with local government on the enhancement of parks services. Organisations eligible under this category will have been judged to meet the membership key criteria on an organisational rather than individual basis. Exceptions to this will be approved by the Chair and Executive Board.
4. Commercial Membership
The key criteria for commercial membership comprise a critical test of eligibility and apply to all commercial membership categories. Such members will be ‘Individual’ or ‘Corporate’
4.1 Individual Commercial members should:
- be able to provide evidence of a commitment to and interest in the development and delivery of the parks sector; and
- work as sole traders or in small enterprises within the commercial sector.
4.2 Corporate Commercial members should:
- be organisations which have a close relationship with the parks and open spaces sector; and
- be able to provide evidence of a commitment to and interest in the development and delivery of the sector and parks services
4.3 All Commercial Membership applications require approval by the Chair of the PMA, or by such person(s) nominated by the Chair to carry out this task.
4.4 Individual Commercial Members are entitled to all of the benefits and activities of the Association, with full voting rights other than as detailed in paragraph 12.6.1. However, Individual Commercial Members cannot be elected to serve on the Executive Board.
4.5 Individual and Corporate Members in the Commercial Member categories will be required to sign and commit to a Code of Conduct defining parameters for their membership.
5. Special Conditions relating to Membership Categories
The following conditions apply as standard, but may be varied as determined by a General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Board:
Except for Individual Members, the total numbers for each membership category may be restricted from time to time as determined by a General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Board.
Only Members working directly in the local government environment or in non-profit-distributing organisations, delivering a range of services within the parks sector for local government may be elected as Chair or Vice Chair.
6. Membership Fees
Fees shall be set at the AGM for the following financial year.
If a member transfers to a corporate membership with colleagues from the same council/employer, the corporate membership will begin at the first renewal date of those covered, and there will be no refund for other members whose memberships fall for renewal at a later date.
Renewals shall be made within 90 days and there will be 2 reminders during this time. Membership will then be revoked.
Any appeals on decisions about membership will be considered by the Chair, who may wish to consult other members of the Executive. This decision will be final.
7. Election, Resignation, Suspension and Expulsion of Members
7.1 Any eligible person wishing to become a member of the Association shall apply for membership in such form as the Executive Board may from time to time prescribe.
7.2 The formal acceptance by the Membership and Recruitment Secretary of such an application, together with the prescribed subscription, shall constitute the application for consideration to the Executive Board. If there are areas of concern, the Membership and Recruitment Secretary shall be responsible for collecting relevant information and reporting this directly to the Executive Board.
7.3 The Executive Board shall reserve the right at their discretion to decide or not to grant the application. The Membership and Recruitment Secretary will inform the applicant of the decision of the Executive. There is no right of appeal to the decision.
7.4 A member shall cease to be a member of the Association when they fail to meet the eligibility criteria. It is the responsibility of members to inform the Association of any change in their circumstances that might affect their membership category or their eligibility for membership.
7.5 A member shall cease to be a member of the Association when their subscription is in arrears of three months after the date of notice of renewal, and they have been formally notified of the arrears at least twice and the implications of non-payment.
7.6 A member may resign from the Association at any time by giving three months written notice of resignation to the Membership and Recruitment Secretary, but they are not entitled to a rebate for any of their annual subscription paid for the year in which they resigned unless there are reasons of hardship, where a rebate is entirely at the discretion of the Membership and Recruitment Secretary. They shall remain liable to the Association for any subscription or fees for activities unpaid by them at the date of resignation.
7.7 The Executive Board may, if two thirds of the members of the Executive Board present and voting at a meeting of the Board properly constituted according to this constitution, expel from membership of the Association any member whose conduct is in the opinion if the Executive Board detrimental to the interests of the Association or calculated or likely to bring the Association into disrepute; or who in the opinion of the Executive Board wilfully and persistently refuses to comply with the rules of the Association.
8. Subscriptions
8.1 Every member shall be liable to pay the Association at the beginning of every financial/municipal year in advance a subscription of such amount or amounts as has, from time to time, been determined by General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Board. New members joining during the year will pay pro rata until the end of that year.
8.2 Different subscription rates are applied to categories of membership. The following principles are those currently applied, but may from time to time be amended by a general meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Board.
- Rate 1 Individual Membership (to include concessionary rates and differing level rates)
- Rate 2 Corporate Membership
- Rate 3 Retired Membership
8.3 Members may be required to complete an annual declaration of eligibility at the time of renewal of subscriptions.
8.4 Only those members whose subscription is paid up on 30th April are entitled to nominate members for the Executive Board. It is the responsibility of members to ensure that their membership is current at the qualifying dates. Only members whose subscription is paid at least 7 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting are entitled to vote at the meeting. Any member infringing this rule will be subject to scrutiny by the Executive Board.