Women in Parks, Horticulture and Landscape

Women in Parks, Horticulture, and Landscape

Women are often underrepresented in the parks and open spaces industry. Women in Parks Horticulture Landscape is a group of women who want to support women in our industry to grow, flourish and be voices in the sector.

 Our mission:

To support women in our industry to grow, flourish, and be voices in the sector.

Our aims:

  • Create a supporting network for women within our industry.
  • Engage with influential women within the industry to help mentor other women within the sector.
  • Empower women’s voices in the sector.
  • Create spaces for networking and support, to make the sector better for women.

About us

We are a small committee of women who want to make a difference.  We come from different backgrounds but work within the Parks, Horticulture and Landscape Management sectors. We understand what it is like working in jobs where the work environment is not diverse and representative, and we want to support an inclusive culture where everyone can make a difference.

Our committee works for the public and charity sectors and would welcome more people to join the committee.





What are we doing?

What’s next? The launch of our mentoring scheme

We said we would seek to engage with a group of influential women and other supportive mentors that can help us run the mentoring scheme. We are now at that stage. Read on for more information on this innovative scheme.

Please review the information below and fill in your responses required using the online forms by 15 March 2024

Prospective mentors use this application form – https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=LpMQPuhXr0KeeIQsox3B71Gdp6X7vlFGklgthR5_XZdUQlVHVUsxTkEwRzdWSFZDTDlXVEFBQjVCRy4u

Mentee wanting to join the scheme use this application form – https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=LpMQPuhXr0KeeIQsox3B71Gdp6X7vlFGklgthR5_XZdUNkhNNU9LNUM5N1BCQVZJMkNINUhGTFdEWS4u

Overview of Women in Parks and Horticulture objectives and Programme

Women in Parks and Horticulture Programme is an innovative, collaborative approach to addressing the lack of diversity within the parks and horticulture profession connected to women.

It is an opportunity for those of us that do already work within this sector to offer mentoring and support to the leaders of the future and talent within the profession.

Role of Mentors for Women in Parks and Horticulture

Following numerous research and studies reflecting the gap in this sector for women, those of us that are present within it can share valid and helpful support.  In Parks and Horticulture there are fewer women in the sector and for landscape managers there is inequality around the seniority and pay.

The recommended focus of the mentoring support for WinPHL recruits is to provide guidance and support around

  • making positive progress in their careers
  • understanding and displaying effective behaviours for the workplace
  • achieving success when in a junior role with little/no prior experience
  • time and self-management
  • effective communication and influencing
  • Other topics that are important to the mentee connected to work

The focus of the mentoring support is on personal behaviours with technical skills and knowledge.

Refer to these documents:

  1. Mentoring Scheme Terms
  2. Guidance and Commitment

Approach to matching to mentors with mentees

Forms will be collated and reviewed after the 15 March and a process of matching will be completed.  Mentors and Mentees will be contacted by WinPHL@gmx.co.uk to share details.

Mentees will be supported making contact and be provided with the ‘mentoring contract’ with clear aims and objectives of the time limited arrangement.

Prospective mentors will be invited to an online briefing session to update on progress, share proposed process and be approached for feedback to ensure that everyone feels engaged and supported.

Mentees will be invited to Q&A sessions in preparation for the process.

Women in Parks Horticulture Landscape Terms (in brief)

  • We identify and introduce
  • We will monitor and evaluate
  • We will provide guidelines
  • We will keep things confidential
  • We will be professional

Mentors will provide time free of charge and in good faith

Mentees are not obliged to take advice

No one is liable for anyone else

Expectations of Mentees

To participate as a mentee, we are asking you to:

  1. Provide us with the best contact information that you are happy for a mentor to contact you on.
  2. Provide an up-to-date information via this form.
  3. Read the terms and guidance for the scheme, ask questions, be curious and respectful of your mentor’s time, knowledge and experience.
  4. Your mentor will set up the first two meetings with you – finding the most suitable arrangement (online or in person depending on circumstances).
  5. Your mentor will be available for further meetings which will then need to be organised by you, leading the agenda.
  6. Provide feedback to WinPHL as to how things are going with you. This could be via an online meeting and/or a questionnaire.

 Mentee wanting to join the scheme use this application form – https://forms.office.com/e/3sm4hhQz5n

Expectations of Mentors

If you are keen to offer support as a mentor, we are asking you to:

  1. Provide us with the best contact information that you are happy for a mentee to contact you on.
  2. Provide an up-to-date information via this form.
  3. Read the terms and guidance for the scheme, ask questions, be curious, respectful, and supportive.
  4. Set up the first two meetings with your mentee – finding the most suitable arrangement (online or in person depending on circumstances).
  5. Be available for further meetings which will then need to be organised by the mentee, leading the agenda.
  6. Provide feedback to WinPHL and the mentor group after 6 months, as to how things are going with your mentee. This could be via an online meeting and/or a questionnaire.

Prospective mentors use this application form – https://forms.office.com/e/VK6869P96A

If you are interested, please get in touch with us via our LinkedIn group/page or via email to discuss how you can participate either as a mentor or for mentoring.

Contact us via WinPHL@gmx.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Forms available here to download

WinPHL Mentoring Scheme Terms 2024-26

WiPHL Mentoring Guidance and Commitment 2024-26

Please see a YouTube video we have added of our last meeting which covers much more now that this has been launched.

Please do get in touch to learn more.

Link to video here https://youtu.be/QoHPTurP2RU


Video here